We are dedicated to helping firefighters who have been diagnosed with cancer to determine if they are eligible for a claim. Our team matches them with the best law firms in the United States and provides them with all the necessary information to make informed decisions. We promise to not only meet but exceed their expectations.
In partnership with the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), we have designated January as Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. Our goal is to provide firefighters with the necessary tools and guidance to develop life-saving protocols for cancer prevention, as well as support those with a cancer diagnosis within their departments.
By January 2022, we aim to help 1000 firefighters file a claim if they have been exposed to Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF).
Firefighting settings are complex and contain various hazardous substances. Firefighters can be exposed to hundreds of different chemicals in the form of gases, vapors, and particulates. Some of these chemical substances are known or suspected to cause cancer. Some are byproducts of combustion or burning, such as benzene and formaldehyde. Others come from the materials burning or in the fire debris, such as asbestos from older structures.
Firefighters can come into contact with these chemicals by breathing them in, getting them on their skin or in their eyes, or by ingesting them. If protective clothing, known as turnout gear, is not adequately cleaned or stored after a fire response or training event, chemicals on the gear or equipment can contaminate vehicles and the fire station. Reusing dirty turnout gear or respiratory protection can also result in exposure to hazardous substances. These exposures can occur by skin contact with contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE) or by breathing in or ingesting particles from contaminated PPE.
FAQs What is AFFF?
AFFF stands for aqueous film-forming foam. It is used as a fire suppressant and works by cooling the fire and covering the fuel behind the fire. It creates a film between the fuel and oxygen to prevent further ignition.
How does AFFF foam work?
AFFF works by creating a film that remains over the combustible fluid to stifle fumes and a foam substance that helps cool, insulate, and isolate other ignition sources or threatening fires from reigniting the fumes. These characteristics combine to produce a “finished foam product.”
Does AFFF cause cancer?
PFAS in AFFF are toxic and carcinogenic to animals and potentially to humans as well, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The IARC classifies PFOA as a group 2B carcinogen, which means it is “possibly” carcinogenic to humans.